NYU Wagner Graduate School
105 East 17th Street
NY, NY 10003
Phone: (212) 998-7444
Email: laura.wherry@nyu.edu
I'm an Associate Professor at NYU Wagner and a Research Associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research in Economics of Health. I'm on leave for the 2024-2025 academic year.
New paper, "Medicaid/CHIP Coverage for Immigrants During Pregnancy, Childhood, and Adulthood: A Discussion of Relevant Policies and Evidence", with Rachel Fabi and Maria Steenland, advance publication at the Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law
New paper, "Poverty and Health", with Adriana Lleras-Muney and Hannes Schwandt, forthcoming at the Annual Review of Economics
Updated working paper, "The Long-Term Effects of Income for At-Risk Infants: Evidence from Supplemental Security Income", with Molly Hawkins, Chris Hollrah, Sarah Miller, Gloria Aldana, and Mitch Wong [Ungated version]
Updated working paper with Sarah Miller and Gloria Aldana, "Covering Undocumented Immigrants: The Effects of a Large-Scale Prenatal Intervention" [Ungated version]
Updated working paper with Kate Kennedy-Moulton, Sarah Miller, Petra Persson, Maya Rossin-Slater, and Gloria Aldana, "Maternal and Infant Health Inequality: New Evidence from Linked Administrative Data" [Ungated version]